According to the «Statute of Scientific Practical Center of Forensic Medicine» SNPO the Center’s main contractual obligations are
- Performing examinations in the following fields
- Examination/expertise of living persons
- Autopsy Examination/expertise
- Complex Examination/expertise
- Forensic Genetics Examination/expertise
- Forensic Biochemistry Examination/expertise
- Forensic Biology Examination/expertise
- Forensic Cytology Examination/expertise
- Medical Criminalistic Examination/expertise
- Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology Examination/expertise
- Forensic Histology Examination/expertise
- Carry out scientific research and implement the innovative results into practical work
The top management of «Scientific Practical Center of Forensic Medicine» SNPO took responsibility to implement and maintain Quality Management System according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 aimed at consistently improving the quality of examinations/expertise and ability to produce valid results which meets international standards. Top management translates the policy (formulated by the Quality Board) into goals, objectives, and strategies, and projects a shared-vision of the future.
- Maintain the functioning of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard,
- Apply the quality police in everyday work to increase the quality of examinations,
- Evaluate the effectiveness of existing quality police and quality objectives, review, improve, adapt if needed, to ensure the progress of quality system,
- Consider the terms and the quality of expertise as the most important component of Center’s performance and constantly follow the same regulation,
- Encourage the confident and proficient personnel /experts/ and other staff members,
- Increase the competence and skills of personnel, providing them with continuous professional education and prepare young professionals for required fields of expertise,
- Establish criteria to follow for achievement of goals through the appropriate selection of competent, creative and highly skilled personnel,
- Formulate as obligatory keeping the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Managements System Standards
- Increase the quality of expertise and examinations in line with science and technologies up to date requirements
- Organize the renovation of the Center
- Install laboratory internal management system software
- Upgrade equipment
- Improve working conditions
- Implement new laboratory standards aimed in producing valid results
- Carry out examinations meeting international standards and requirements
- Organize and provide training and continuous professional education courses for personnel in Republic of Armenia and abroad
- Design and carry out scientific-practical projects with forensic institutes
- Carry out scientific research in different fields of forensic examinations and publish scientific articles
- Organize expert missions aimed in publicizing international forensic innovations