Since IV-V centuries in Armenia the medicine and law have been related to each other. By that time the external examinations of corpses were performed and the cause and manner of death established.
Since the XII century the autopsy examinations were carried out in Armenia. Mkhitar Gosh, Smbat Sparapet and Nerses Lambronatsi օbserved cases of medical malpractice, inappropriate treatments and other issues.
Starting from XIX century the examinations of living persons and corpses were conducted in order to resolve the crime.
The autopsies were carried out by civil or military doctors by the attendance of investigators and witnesses, and according to autopsy report the relevant documents were prepared. All this steps promoted establishment of forensic medical examinations in Armenia.
The first forensic medical examiner office was founded in 1921 based on decision of Armenian “Board of Arzhoghkomat” issued on August 19 and 27, 1921. The first forensic medical doctor was appointed V.I.Krzhivinski, who was qualified specialist in forensic medicine.
The office of Chief forensic medical examiner founded in 1929.
From 1929-1939 the Chief forensic medical expert was appointed Professor E. T. Shek-Hovsepyan, who was a Head of Forensic Medicine Faculty of Medical University.
The future Chief forensic medical experts were Alexander Adam Hovsepyan /PhD, Associate Professor, Doctor of Medicine/, Norayr Avagyan /Professor/, Vahram Musayelyan /Doctor of Medicine/. On 1993 “The Forensic Medical Bureau” has been reorganized onto “Scientific Practical Center of Forensic Medicine” state non-profite organization.
From 1993-2012 the Chief Forensic Medical Expert was Professor Shota Vardanyan.
From 24 December, 2012 the “Scientific Practical Center of Forensic Medicine” SNPO is headed by Mher Bisharyan /Doctor of Science/, who simultaneously is the Chief Forensic Medical Expert of the Ministry of Health.